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The New Era of Warhammer 40k: Top 5 Improvements

#new40k Simplified Not Simple

The Warhammer 40k is Simplified Not Simple ...

The latest edition of Warhammer 40k is out as of June 2023 and while there have been significant improvements made to the game, Warhammer 40,000 in its tenth edition is still the same game we've all been playing for several years now.  This latest edition of Warhammer 40k is unmistakably designed to both make it easy for new players to join the game, while satisfying veteran players who enjoy the deep strategy and list customization we're accustomed to. 

The simplified edition has many improvements, but these are our top 5:

1. Army construction is streamlined

Assembling an army isn't the convoluted process it once was and gamers can focus on what they like rather than being constrained by quotas or confusing allocation rules. Each unit has a self contained "datasheet" with unit stats and special rules. Datasheets also make it easy to share your units stats with opponents.

Terminator Squad Datasheet
Space Marine Terminator Squad Datasheet

2. Combat Patrols.

To make the game even easier to get started with, each faction now has a Combat Patrol box that contains all the models to build a balanced 1000 point roster, there is no need to create an army list. So you and a friend can each build a Combat Patrol box, can start playing. This feels similar to pre-generated characters in Dungeons and Dragons, where you can you play a pre-generated character, but also expand it to higher levels or to suit you own play style.

3. The return of USRs (Universal Special Rules). 

One of the most peculiar aspects of 8th and 9th edition has been eliminated in 10th edition, and we are once again able to use universal special rules like Deep Strike and Feel No Pain on all units.  By sharing concepts across factions, players have an easier time understanding their opponents factions, vs trying to paint every rule with specific faction lore.

4. Morale is important.

It's been difficult to implement a satisfying system for morale in 40k; in 8th and 9th editions, it mostly served as a tool to kill more models, with plenty of exceptions and mitigations that left both players dissatisfied. Battle-shock tests are new to the 10th edition, and they reduce a unit's or model's effectiveness on the battlefield rather than just killing more of them.  This makes the game feel more cinematic in that the consequence of reduced morale impact a unit's will, not just it's size.

5. Reduced complexity of Army rules.

The rules for armies, detachments, and stratagems can all be condensed onto a single two-page spread without surrendering any of the game's tactical depth.

Grudge Match: Space Wolves vs Thousand Sons
Ultimate Grudge Match: Space Wolves vs Thousand Sons

Get Started With The New Edition of Warhammer 40k

Here are the new core box sets for Warhammer 40k 10th edition, in escalating size. Note, the small, introductory set is the only set that includes a set of paints. The larger sets provide more models and content, but you will need to purchase paints separately.

2-player Starters

  • Warhammer 40k Introductory Set set contains 16 models, paints and is the quickest way to begin your journey fielding a small battle of Space Marines vs Tyranids

  • Warhammer 40k Starter Set contains 38 models, data cards allowing you to deploy two complete and balanced forces of Spaces Marines and Tyranids

  • Warhammer 40k Ultimate Starter Set contains 44 models and terrain, to provide an epic battle experience for two players pitting Space Marines vs Tyranids

  • Warhammer 40k Leviathan boxed set contains 72 figures and a unique Leviathan mission, which will lead two players through epic engagements of Space Marine fighting off the Tyranids hordes.

Combat Patrols

A few of our favorite Combat Patrols to get bootstrap your army.

Note that the Leviathan Boxed Set contains two Combat Patrols!

  • Tyranids: The Vardenghast Swarm

  • Space Marines: Strike Force Octavius

Combat Patrol: Tyranids, The Vardenghast Swarm
Endless Swarm in a Box

Combat Patrol Space Marines: Strike Force Octavius
Plenty of Flamers and Storm Bolters to Stop the Swarm


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